MuseoPic Analytics: museology revamped!

Jan ~ Apr 2017; with Lénaïc Faure and Constance Grandin for MuseoPic and museums in Lyon.
MuseoPic Analytics: museology revamped!


Museum curators spend a lot of time and effort in organising an exhibition. Once it is launched, they are often already on the go again for the next one and have little time to optimise current show. How can we help them get the most out of every exhibition?


MuseoPic is a smartphone application which enhances ordinary museum visits. Through augmented reality, visitors can interact with exhibits, learn more about their story behind, and create their own collections. It has been deployed in contemporary art, design, and natural sciences museums in 🇫🇷 Lyon areasMusée de l’imprimerie et de la communicatino graphique, Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon, Musée des Confluences, and Musée Lugdunum (Musée gallo-romain de Fourvière).

MuseoPic Analytics captures visitors’ interaction with exhibits and transform that data into useful insights for museum personnel, so that they can easily understand their current programme’s performance & settings, and make adaptation right away. This help them better align exhibitions with their visitors, raise discoverability and engagement, maximise 🎟 box office sales as well as ⭐️ public reviews, and better develop content management and strategy.

Interview analysis in progress

Workflow study


My team and I were the UX designers on this project. In order to better understand the organisation and typical workflow of museums, we conducted several interviews with our target users, namely the museum directors, quality control attachés and content managers.

We then analysed their actions & needs regarding the life cycle of exhibitions and extracted their jobs-to-be-done (JTBDs). We framed some major challenges & problems and mapped some 🎈 opportunities where MuseoPic Analytics could help them.

In situ feedback in museums

Mock-up in production

Following the evolution of ideas, we clustered them in use case scenarios. We actively involved our users and stakeholders for comments, feedback and technical checks while iterating our design cycles to create mock-ups for the analytics platform.

In the end of our partnership, we packaged our findings and handed off our prototypes with UX strategy advice to our client.

Screenshots of MuseoPic Analytics mock-up

Courtesy: MuseoPic, video.
